Le blog d'Isabelle par les ateliers du devenir

06 Fév 2018

The Trim tab leader

When you look at it, it looks insignificant, but its action acts as a powerful lever…

It ? It is a small shutter which adds to the rudder of a boat or to the aircraft wings, generate when moving, a small pressure that spin the rudder and give to the whole machine the direction with almost no effort.

Nicholas WintonThis tiny thing is called trimtab and allows to stabilize the direction of the machine in the axis of its direction or transfer it to a new direction.

Without this little piece, indeed, the pilote could fail in an important operation in the driving of the machine could lose its direction, be diversed or simply fail in the taking off or the landing.

Convinced that a person could be this trimtab, the american ingineer Buckminster Fuller, asked to have this sentence “Call Me Trimtab” inscribed on his tombstone.

But how ? How a leader could be defined a trimtab ?

The trim tab spirit leader, move and move his teams in a way which puts in movement the whole organization. He is doing it through the courage to express his/her point of view and going beyond his/her zone of comfort or his/her usual circle of influence.

Drived by his/her envy and courage, the trim tab leader stretches his circle of influence by using his circle of interest, that is to say what interest and passionate him/her.

This king of courage, has something to do with Daring, daring to confront, daring to question oneself, daring to cross storms, thunderstorms and turbulences … The trim tab recreates himself permanently, at the same time as there creating the outline of its role and its missions …

Being a Trim tab is, in deed, assuming his responsibilities, to go beyond the politically correct or beyond the conformism thought without agressing or tanipulating but wihtout avoiding. Pragmatic, he is giving the best of himself with his heart and stomach.

Thus, the trim tab leader does not wait to be given the power, he just takes it. He takes the initiatives inside his own circle of influence when the conditions require it. The trim tab leader knows that everything is not written in his job description and that it makes himself its own post …

Instead of thinking that the constraints are too strong nd that he cana ct only as fire man, trim tab leader ask himself : « What is the best thing I could do according to these circumstances » ?

This kind of trim tab courage can be worked, developed and be acquired … This courage strengthens itself through the challenges and with the experience, but more particularly when you have different vision of your role whatever is the initial exiguity of it.

Indeed, the trim tab leader rarely has the social position or the formal power of the decision he is taking, but thanks to his courage, his conviction, his empathy and his spruce attitude, he widens inexorably his circle of influence and obtains unprecedented results.

An outstanding example could be the one of Nicholas Winton,

Shortly before Christmas 1938, he gives up leaving to the winter sports and takes the most impacting action of his whole life. Further to the call for help of a friend shocked by the fast rise of the Nazism in Prague, he went on site and having questionned all of the international community and having wiped the refusal of any support of some country or organization whether it is, he succeeded, by himself, in organizing the leaking of 669 children from Prague towards London via 8 convoys of train before they are exterminated.


Trim tab because he had nothing more that the others otherwise the courage to follow what his consciousness dictated him and of some artificial stamps aligned on the desk of his hotel room, supposed to reassure on the fact that he had the authority to manage the operations of a supposed organization settled in London …

Your circle of interest, that is to say what interests you, really allows to widen your circle of influence, that is the things on which you have the control or an influence and thus an impact.

This heroic gesture totally went unnoticed during a half a century. Today, the descendants of the  » Winton childrens », are estimated at more than 5 000. When he was questionned, Nicholas Winton, answers down from his 107 years.  » I have a motto, that if something is not obviously impossible, there should be a way of realizing it « ! his motto did not move at all, swear trim tab !

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